What He's Thinking When...: The Guys Told Us Everything - Part 4
"When I see her, or get a text, call, or e-mail from her, there are butterflies in my stomach and a smile on my face. I can't stop thinking about her no matter what I am doing" – Pat, University of Illinois
"I hope she loves me, too. If she doesn't, then I'm screwed" – John, University of Missouri
"When I first realized that I was in love with my girlfriend, I couldn't believe that it was happening to me – I didn't really see myself settling down as a teenager" – Jordan, DePaul University
"I just feel really happy" – Joe, University of Colorado - Boulder
"I just feel so grateful that I have her as a part of my life and that I am able to call her my girlfriend" – Stan, University of San Diego
"Once I realize that I'm in love, I start to worry about losing her much more because the stakes are so much higher" – Mark, Brown University
"Does she love me?" – Kevin, Syracuse University
"I am the luckiest guy in the entire world to have this amazing girl in my life" – Jason, Wheaton College
"I realized that I was in love when I saw my girlfriend so many different ways – without makeup, crying, angry – and I still thought she was the most beautiful, perfect person in the entire world" – Steve, University of Missouri
"This sucks. Am I going to get hurt?" – Matt, University of Illinois
There you have it, girls…a look into the minds of men, who we love, and who we love to hate. I have to say, though, that after this I'm pretty hopeful – a lot of guys are pretty romantic, and they do care! And now you know what guys are really thinking, courtesy of HC.
College men from across the country