Guys Talk Numbers: What Do They Really Think? - Part 3

"By the time we're old enough to be thinking about marriage, I seriously doubt numbers will matter. Dating as an adult is like a screening process — you find people that you're compatible with and that you could see yourself living with for the rest of your life. If a girl had passed all of those tests, a number would just be irrelevant — by the point in a relationship that the topic came up, you'd probably like them too much to care." — Mark

Any other thoughts about numbers?

"I think it's about quality of sexual experience rather than quantity, and that gives an edge to girls in relationships. One night stands can be fun, but intimacy ultimately leads to more enjoyable sex." — Joe

"Not a single girl I've ever slept with has asked me about my number — and if a numbers conversation mattered enough to her that she'd change how she felt about me, then I wouldn't want to f*ck her anyway." — Ryan

"I'm not into one night stands, so a lower number is pretty important to me — there are more cons than pros of having a high number to me." — Pat

"It's impossible to say that one number is too high and another is too low — if you really like a girl, and she has an amazing personality and all that, it doesn't matter. It's not worth it to end a good thing over a number." — Frank

"There's definitely a double standard at play when it comes to numbers — I'm sorry girls, I didn't make it up, but it exists. Women are supposed to be innocent and clean, but it's more important for men to be experienced and know how to handle women." — Eric

"I just really don't think numbers are a big deal. Girls put way too much thought into this, they're so paranoid about their image and how they appear to guys. But your number is such a circumstantial thing, and guys know that. If you're a cool girl and you have qualities that guys like, it won't matter. I promise you." — Mark

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