How to Tone Up for Spring Break in One Month - part 3 - women campus

Goal # 3: Cameron Diaz legs and butt

You have nice legs, but the snow and cold weather has added a little rust to them. Well, it's about time you warm those pipes up and prepare them to walk the walk on those sandy beaches next month.

George said for legs you want to do the following exercises about 2-4 times a week. In order to ensure toning in the leg area, George said to focus on side leg lifts and raises, squeezing the inner thighs during these exercises.

Here is your Her Campus-suggested plan:

Weeks 1 & 3

Monday/Wednesday: 2 sets of 25 squats and straight leg pulses

Tuesday/Thursday: 2 sets of 25 glute kickbacks and lunges

Saturday: 3 sets of side leg raises

Week 2 & 4

Monday/Wednesday: 2 sets of squats and glute kickbacks

Tuesday/Thursday: 52 sets of side leg raises and straight leg pulses

Saturday: 2 sets of lunges

Exercise Instructions:

  • Squat: Standing with feet hip-width apart, bend knees and lower into a squat with your butt sticking out behind you. Press feet into the ground and stand up. Add 5-10 lb weights to increase intensity.
  • Glute kickbacks: With hands and knees on a mat have back parallel to the ground. Kick one leg back and flex your butt at the top for a one-count. Lower leg and knee to the floor, switch leg, repeat.
  • Side leg raises: Laying on the side of your body, stack your legs on top of each other. Lift your leg on top into the air and hold for 3-counts. Lower and repeat.
  • Straight leg pulses: Laying flat on the ground raise legs above body. Grasp the hamstring of your right leg, lower your left leg to the ground.


Well collegiettes ™, I think this it's possible for all of you to achieve at least one (if not all) of these goals! But if you're serious about toning up for spring break, you're going to have to do all of the work— no skipping days or exercises.

"If you want to look better and more toned you have to do the work. Plain and simple," George said.

Now, repeat the following words aloud and to your roommates:

I [your name] promise to achieve [Fitness Goal # __ ] on [today's date] by loyally committing to this Her Campus and Michael George 1-month fitness plan. If I fail to fully commit, I realize I may be risking the chance of hesitating or failing to upload pictures on Facebook from spring break to show off my Eva Longoria arms, Jessica Alba abs, or Cameron Diaz legs/butt.

Before you know it, you'll be feeling and looking like a star on the beach for spring break— good luck!


Michael George, Health and lifestyle coach, author, speaker

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